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His sister and one of his cousins were in the room, but his aunt, who was quite on the alert, soon got them out of it, and Frank and Miss Dunstable were alone.

'So all our fun and all our laughter is come to an end,' said she, beginning the conversation. 'I don't know how you feel, but for myself I really am a little melancholy at the idea of parting;' and she looked up at him with her laughing black eyes, as though she never had, and never could have a care in the world.

'Melancholy! oh, yes; you look so,' said Frank, who really did feel somewhat lack-a-daisically sentimental.

'But how thoroughly glad the countess must be that we are both going,' continued she. 'I declare we have treated her most infamously. Ever since we've been here we've had all the amusement to ourselves. I've sometimes thought she would turn me out of the house.'

'I wish with all my heart she had.'

'Oh, you cruel barbarian! why on earth should you wish that?'

'That I might have joined you in your exile. I hate Courcy Castle, and should have rejoiced to leave—and—and—'

'And what?'

'And I love Miss Dunstable, and should have doubly, trebly rejoiced to leave it with her.'

Frank's voice quivered a little as he made this gallant profession; but still Miss Dunstable only laughed the louder. 'Upon my word, of all my knights you are by far the best behaved,' said she, 'and say much the prettiest things.' Frank became rather red in the face, and felt that he did so. Miss Dunstable was treating him like a boy. While she pretended to be so fond of him she was only laughing at him, and corresponding the while with his cousin George. Now Frank Gresham already entertained a sort of contempt for his cousin, which increased the bitterness of his feelings. Could it really be possible that George had succeeded while he had utterly failed; that his stupid cousin had touched the heart of the heiress while she was playing with him as with a boy?

'Of all your knights! Is that the way you talk to me when we are going to part? When was it, Miss Dunstable, that George de Courcy became one of them?'

Miss Dunstable for a while looked serious enough. 'What makes you ask that?' said she. 'What makes you inquire about Mr. de Courcy?'

'Oh, I have eyes, you know, and can't help seeing. Not that I see, or have seen anything that I could possibly help.'

'And what have you seen, Mr. Gresham?'