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they did not separate without another slight repast and another bottle of claret.

Mr. Moffat retired into the country for a while, and then went abroad; having doubtless learnt that the petition was not likely to give him a seat for the city of Barchester. And this was the end of the wooing with Miss Gresham.



After this, little occurred at Greshamsbury, or among Greshamsbury people, which it will be necessary for us to record. Some notice was, of course, taken of Frank's prolonged absence from his college; and tidings, perhaps exaggerated tidings, of what had happened in Pall Mall were not slow to reach the High-street of Cambridge. But that affair was gradually hushed up; and Frank went on with his studies.

He went back to his studies: it then being an understood arrangement between him and his father that he should not return to Greshamsbury till the summer vacation. On this occasion, the squire and Lady Arabella had, strange to say, been of the same mind. They both wished to keep their son away from Miss Thorne; and both calculated, that at his age and with his disposition, it was not probable that any passion would last out a six-months' absence. 'And when the summer comes it will be an excellent opportunity for us to go abroad,' said Lady Arabella. 'Poor Augusta will require some change to renovate her spirits.'

To this last proposition the squire did not assent. It was, however, allowed to pass over; and this much was fixed, that Frank was not to return home till Midsummer.

It will be remembered that Sir Roger Scatcherd had been elected as sitting member for the city of Barchester; but it will also be remembered that a petition against his return was threatened. Had that petition depended solely on Mr. Moffat, Sir Roger's seat no doubt would have been saved by Frank Gresham's cutting whip. But such was not the case. Mr. Moffat had been put forward by the De Courcy interest; and that noble family with its dependents was not to go to the wall because Mr. Moffat had had a thrashing. No; the petition was to go on and Mr. Nearthewinde declared, that no petition in his hands had half so good a chance of success. 'Chance, no, but certainty,' said Mr. Nearthewinde; for Mr. Nearthewinde had learnt some-