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She is a good girl; I do believe she is a good girl in every respect. I have always liked her; liked to see her about the house. But——'

'I know what you would say, father.' This was rather more than the squire knew himself. 'Such a marriage is imprudent.'

'It is more than that, Frank; I fear it is impossible.'

'Impossible! No, father; it is not impossible.'

'It is impossible, Frank, in the usual sense. What are you to live upon? What would you do with your children? You would not wish to see your wife distressed and comfortless.'

'No, I should not like to see that.'

'You would not wish to begin life as an embarrassed man and end it as a ruined man. If you were now to marry Miss Thorne such would, I fear, doubtless be your lot.'

Frank caught at the word 'now.' 'I don't expect to marry immediately. I know that would be imprudent. But I am pledged, father, and I certainly cannot go back. And now that I have told you all this, what is your advice to me?'

The father again sat silent, still sipping his wine. There was nothing in his son that he could be ashamed of, nothing that he could meet with anger, nothing that he could not love; but how should he answer him? The fact was, that the son had more in him than the father; that his mind and spirit were of a calibre not to be opposed successfully by the mind and spirit of the squire.

'Do you know Mary's history?' said Mr. Gresham, at last; 'the history of her birth?'

'Not a word of it,' said Frank. 'I did not know she had a history.'

'Nor does she know it; at least, I presume not. But you should know it now. And, Frank, I will tell it you; not to turn you from her—not with that object, though I think that, to a certain extent, it should have that effect. Mary's birth was not such as would become your wife and be beneficial to your children.'

'If so, father, I should have known that sooner. Why was she brought in here among us?'

'True, Frank. The fault is mine; mine and your mother's. Circumstances brought it about years ago, when it never occurred to us that all this would arise. But I will tell you her history. And, Frank, remember this, though I tell it you as a secret, a secret to be kept from all the world but one, you are quite at liberty to let the doctor know that I have told it you. Indeed, I shall be careful to let him know so myself should it ever be aecessary that he and I should speak together as to this engage-