Page:Doctrine of the Lord in the Primitive Christian Church.pdf/12

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to God? The Psalmist expressly says, “He that is our God is the God of Salvation, and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death.” But here, in the Apocalypse, Jesus Christ claims to Himself the same power; it follows, therefore, that He is the God of Salvation.

The apostle John says, he was in the spirit when he saw the wonderful things which are re corded in the Apocalypse. To be in the spirit, is to have his spiritual eyes opened, so that he could look into the spiritual world, and see what was transpiring there. And he did see what took place there. He saw whom the angels acknowledge; whom they adore and worship in Heaven; namely, the Lord Jesus Christ. Afterwards the apostle sees the Lord again seated on a throne, the hosts of heaven bowing in adoration before Him, and with glad voices ascribing dominion, and power, and glory to Him. Indeed throughout the book of the Apocalypse we find constant evidence that the Lord Jesus Christ is acknowleged, known, and wor- shipped as the only God in heaven.

When we become acquainted with the doctrines and views of those called the Fathers, that is, the eminent Christian writers who lived before the Council of Nice, we shall find evidence that they generally acknowledged and believed in the Scrip- tural doctrine of the Supreme Divinity of Jesus Christ. This is a doctrine known in the Church, from the very days of the apostles. One of the