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In the preparation of this little book, the fol-

lowing works have been consulted among others, viz.: Lamson’s “Church of the First Three Cen- turies,” Eusebius, Bunsen’s “Hippolytus,” Ne- ander, Stanley’s “Eastern Church,” and Dr. Dorner's able work on the “Person of Christ.” To these, especially the latter, the author acknowl edges his indebtedness. Several of the quotations have been taken from Dr. Dorner’s work. Where the exact language of the Anti-Nicene Fathers is used, quotation-marks have been placed around the extracts; where the exact language has not been quoted, but the substance of the original, – the same idea, though not always the same expres- sions, - the quotation-marks have been omitted. The writer has endeavored to be faithful, and not make any statement of the doctrine of any one of the Fathers, beyond what can be fully substan- tiated by reference to his writings. BATH, ME., May 30, 1870.