Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/436

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ELSON] PEERS, BARONETS, BISHOPS, PRIVY COUNSELLORS 412 .Tohu Charles Horatio Xtl^oii, b. 11 May, 1905. Emily Gcraldino Morval. 1. Maud Marv. 2. Emily Frances, m. 6 Dec. 1898. Charles Menzies McCausianii. who d. 10 Nov. 1899. Residence— Templi'Stowc, Watawala, Ceylon. 3. Alice. NELSON (N.Z.), 4th Bishop of. Founded 1857. — KniHT Rev. William Charles Sadlieb, M. A., B.D., s. of C. T. Sadlier, of co. Cork. B. 1867, at Bandon, to. Cork ; ni. 1895, Edith Ellen, dau. of W. Lievesley, Civil Service, Victoria ; ed. Trin. Coll., Melbourne, and London University. Ord. 1891, in Melbourne. Curate of Pyramid, 1891-2 ; Hon. Mary Reddis Bridget Ellen, m. 22 Nov. 1860, Joshua James Nettervillc (who assumed, 1865, that name instead of McEvoy). and has issue. Residence — Villa Rita, iSiarritz. He was sue. by — His cousin, the late Arthur Jame.s Netterville, 8th a.n'd last Vise. Nf.tterville, b. 1800 ; m. 27 Oct. 18-11, Constantia Frances (d. 21 Jan. 1870), dau. of Sir Edward Joseph Smvtlie, 6th Bt., and d. 7 April, 1882. Issue— Hon. Frances Constantia, m. 3 Dec. 1860, Charles Viditz. NEUMANN, 1st Bt. (U.K.). Creat. (> Feb. 1912. — Sir Siliismund Neumann, s. of late Gustav of St. Paul's, Bendigo, 1892-99 ; vicar of Holy I Neumann, of Fuerth, Bavaria, by Babette, dau Trinity, Melbourne, 1899-1904 ; vicar of Christ Church, St. Ivilda, 1904-12; canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, 1911-12 ; consec. to this see 1912 : is patron of the Archdeaconries of Waimea, Mawliera, and INIarlborough. Residence — Bishopdale, Nelson, N.Z. Issue — 1. Horace William Augustine Sadlier. b. 23 June, 1896. 2. Arthur John Lutham Sadlier, b. 4 March, 1907. I. Dorothy Emma Elizabeth. 1. Slic'i.-Iagh Mary Vera. NELSON, 1st Bt. (U.K.). Creat. 5 Feb. |1912. — Sir William Nelson, s. of late James Nelson, of Liverpool, and Cooldrinagh, co. Kildare, and Elizabeth, dau. of late Richard MacCormack, of j Glaniden, co. Westmeath. B. at Liverpool, 8 Dec. 1851 ; m. 10 July, 1879, Margaret, dau. of late Michael Hope, of Gartlandstown, co. W'est- meath ; ed. at St. Edward's Coll., Liverpool ; J.P. ; is o'mier of large estates in Argentina. Residences — Batsford Park, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos : 16, Hill St., Berkeley Square, W. Clubs- Devonshire ; Bath ; Argentine. Issue — 1. James Hope Nelson, b. at Liverpool, 26 Feb. 18S3; 2nd lieut. Cavalry 1914; ed. at Stony- hurst : m. 26 Sept. 1913, Isabel, dau. of Dr. Jules F. Valle, of St. Louis, U.S.A. 2. William Hope Nelson, h. 23 Jan. 188.5 ; m. 23 Nov. 1910. Dora Violet Venabli'S, dau. of Arthur Venables Vyrke , of Staplegiove, Taunton, Residence I — Filham House, Ivybridge, Devon. Issue — | WiUiam Vernon Hope Nelson, b. 25 May, 1914. Noelle Marguerite Marv Hope. 3. Hugh Hope Nelson, b. 9 June, 1886 ; 2nd heut. 3rd Batt. Roy. Welsh Fus. 1914. 1. Mary Elizabeth, m. 10 Jan. 1906. Capt. Washington ! Charles Thomas Hibbert, K.O. Lanes Regt., and has: issue . 2. Josephine Mary Margaret, m. 11 June, 1909, Capt. : Morgan Grainger" Jones, Roy. Welsh Fus., and has issue. 3. Leonie Mabel Mary. m. 20 Jan. 1910. Capt. Cod- rington Howard Rees Crawshay, Rov. Welsh Fus. 4. Gladvs Marv. 5. Violet Marv, m. 20 April. 19U. Rieliard Rowlev, Colds. Gds. NEPEAN, 5th Bt. (U.K.). Great. 16 July, 1802. — Sir Charles Evan IMolynetjx Yobke Nepean, s. of Rev. Sir Evan, 4th Bt., and Maria Theresa (d. 1875), dau. of Rev. Frederick Morgan Payler. B. 24 March. 1867; m. 3 Nov. 1896, Mary Winifred, dau. of the Rev. William John Swayne, vicar of Heytesbury ; sue. his father 15 June, 1903 ; capt. and hon. major (ret.) 3i-d Batt. Roy. Berks Regt. (M.). The 1st Bt. was .successively Under-Sec. of State for the War and Homo Departments, sec. to the Admiralty, sec. for Ireland ; a lord of the Admiralty, Gov. of Bombay, etc. Residence — Appleshaw, Compton, near Winchester. Chib — Junior Carlton. Issue — l.'EvAN- YORKE Nepeax, b. at Ingleside, 23 Nov. 1909. 1. Winifred Diana. 2.VMary Theresa. 3. Syhaa. i. Olivia. NETTERVILLE, Viscounty (ext. 7 April, 1882). Creat. 3 April. 1862. —The late James Netterville, 7th Vise. Netterville, v. 7 April, 1834, Eliza (d. 18 Dec. 1885), dau. of Joseph Kirwan, of Hillsbrook, Galway, and d. 13 Feb. 1854. Issue living— of late Hirsch ^Nlarx Goldscheider. B. at Fuerth, 25 May, 1857 : m. 25 Aug. 1890, Anna Allegra, dau. of Jacques Hakim, of Alexandria, Egypt. Is vice-pres. Transvaal Rifle Assocn., and memb. of board of management Hospital for Women, Soho Square ; member of council Royal Eye Hospital : partner in S. Neumami & Co., and director of London Joint Stock Bank, and of African Banking Corporn. Residences — 146, Piccadilly, W^. ; Cecil Lodge, Newmarket ; Raynham Park, Norfolk. Clubs — Boodle's ; Portland. Issue — 1. Cecil Gustavus Jacques Neumann, b. in London, 9 June. 1891 ; ed. at Eton and Oxford ; lieut. Nor- folk Yeomanry. 2. Guy Arthur Neumann, b. 24 March, 1904. 1. Syljil Rose. 2. Rosie Violet. 3. Ella Julie. NEVILL, Vise. See Abergavenny, Marquess NEWARK, Vise. See Manvers, Earl NEWBOROUGH, 4th Baron (I.). Creat. 23 July, 1776; Bt. 25 Oct. 1742 (G.B.). — William Cii.^BLEs Wynn, s. of Hon. Thomas John Wynn. B. 4 Nov. 1873 ; m. 7 Nov. 1900, Grace Bruce, dau. of Col. Henry Moutgomerie Carr, of Ken- tucky, U.S.A. ; sue. his grandfather 1888 ; ed. at Heidelberg and Camb. ; late lieut. Denbigh- shire Yeo. ; J.P. Denbighshire, Sheriff 1902. Is descended from John Wynn, sheriff of Car- narvonshire in 1551 and 1560 ; the 1st Peer represented Carnarvonshire in parliament. Resi- dences — 39, Park Lane, W. ; Bryn Llewellyn, Festiniog, N. Wales. Clubs — Bachelors' ; Raleigh; Travellers'. Spencer Bulkeley Wynn. 3Rr> Baron Newborough, b. 23 May, 1803 ; m. 10 May, 1834, Frances Maria (d. 18 Nov. 1857), dau. of Rev. Walter de AVinton, and d. 1 Nov. 1888. Issue — 1. The late Hon. Thomas John Wynn, b. 31 Dec. 1840 ; m. 11 July, 1871, Sybil Anna Katherine (d. 7 Jan. 1911), dau. of the late Edwin Corbett, and d. 25 Aug. 1878. Issue — 1. William Charles Wynn, pres. Baron. 2. Hon. Thom.s John Wynn, Heir Pres. (pat. of precedence 1889), b. 22 Nov. 1878 : Ueut. R.N.V.R. ; m. 30 Jan. 1907, Vera Evelyn Mary, dau. of the late Capt. riiilip Montagu. 12th Lancers, of Down Hall, Dorset, and widow of Henry L. Winch. Residence — Efford House. Lymington. Clubs — Marlborough ; Raleigh. Issue — Stella Maria. 1. Hon. Mabel (pat. of precedence 1889), m. 1896, Francis Charles Covvper Amiesley. 2. Hon. Dorothy Beatrix (pat. of precedence 1889), m. 1 Feb. 1905, Capt. Cuthbert Godfrey Chapman, R.N.. M.V.O., and has issue. 2. The late Hon. Cliarlcs Henry AVvnn, b. 22 April,

1847 ; J. P., C.A., Merioneth. High Sheriff 1873 ; m. 31 

1 -Aug. 1876, Frances Georgina (Residence — Rug, 1 Corwen, Merioneth), dau. of Lt.-Col. Romer, of Bryncemlvn, Merioneth, and d. 14 March. 1911. Issue — 1. Robert Vaughan Wynn, b. 17 July, 1877 ; late lieut. 9th Lancers, maj. Montgomery Yeo ; served in S.A.. 1899-1902. 2. Artlnir Romer Wynn, b. 22 June, 1885. 3. John salisburv Wynn, b. 29 April, 1887. 4. Cliarles Watkin Meredith Wynn, b. 24 Oct. 1890; 2nd lieut. Cavalry 1914. 5. Rowland Tempest Beresford Wvnu, b. 30 Jan. 1898. 1. Gwendoline Frances, m. 15 Oct. 1908, Griffith