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Bread Omelet.—Put two handfuls or more of bread crumbs into half a pint of cream, with a grated nutmeg and a little salt. When the bread has absorbed all the cream, stir it into the eggs as you beat them for the omelet. Fry it in butter, and when dished, fold one half over the other.

Lobster Omelet.—Beat in a mortar the flesh of a boiled lobster, adding, at times, a little butter; and season it with pepper and salt. Stir it gradually into the eggs while beating them. Fry it in butter.

Onion Omelet.—Boil some onions; mince them fine, and moisten them with milk. Stir them into the eggs as you beat them.

Ham Omelet—Is made with grated cold ham, stirred into the eggs while beating.

Omelets may be seasoned in the same manner with parsley, chopped sweet-herbs, or mushrooms. Also with minced oysters.


Boil half a pound of maccaroni with two ounces of butter, some whole pepper, and a little salt. Do not let it boil long enough for the maccaroni to lose its shape. When done, mix with it a quarter of a pound of rich cheese, scraped or grated. Butter a deep dish, and put the mixture into it. Then set it for a quarter of an hour in the oven. Brown the top with a red-hot shovel.


Take half a pound of maccaroni, and put it into a stew-pan with an ounce of butter, a little salt