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stand in a warm place, shake it frequently; when dissolved it is fit for use.

To Stain Wood Black

Boil half a pound of chip logwood in 2 quarts of water then add 1 oz. of pearl ash,, and apply it hot to the work with a brush; take half a pound of logwood, and boil it as before in 2 quarts of water, adding half an oz. of verdigris and half an oz. of copperas; strain it off and put in about half a lb. of rusty steel filings, and apply as before


Take of purified opium, two grains; Camphire, two grains, Oil of Cloves, two drops; Oil of Pepper, two drops. A pill to be put into the hollow tooth.

To Make a Light in a Moment.

Dip a piece of wood or paper in oil of turpentine, then put a bit of chloride of potash on it, and a drop of vitriol and you will see the effect.

Cure for Corns

Carruth’s Vegetable Corn Plaster has been proved by the experience of thousands of the inhabitants of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paisley, Greenock, &c. to be the best remedy now known for curing Corns, Bunions; and Warts, which it speedily eradicates without pain; or in the least injuring the surrounding skin. Prepared only by P. Carruth, Chiropedist, and may be had in Rolls, price One Penny each, of Moffat & Co, Druggists, 53 Nicolson Street. Mr Cowan, Surgeon; 30, and Mr Fairgrieve, Druggist, 46 Clerk Street, Edinburgh ; Mr Archibald, Surgeon, Kirkgate, and Mr Finlayson, Druggist, corner of Tolbooth Wynd, Leith.