Page:Don Coronado through Kansas.djvu/140

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HEALTHY KANSAS. 129 -~ Alonso and Monte, as well as Ysopete, are happy; the first because he felt there was to be adventure; the second for the reason that he was to see new peoples, and have still the company of his master. AJonso's spirits were exceptionally buoyiant, as the tjeneral had with much tact and good judgment, .appointed him second in cammand, a position he was well qualified to fill. Owing to his knowledge of the natural advantages of the prairie as imparted to him by Ysopete, he was able to put his men in the way of procuring comforts which helped them to withstand the hardships; in fact, every day they were getting more rugged and hardy. This was not altogether because of the, better rations. The climate was and is, the most healthful on God's footstool. Mr. Plainsnian, this is addressed to you. Do you remember, Nature's bed which never required making, except to scoop out a hole for your hip to filt in? You wrapped yourself up in your blanket, using your saddle for a pillow; and won't you assent to the assertion that it was the largest bed in the most spacious room and the best ventilated ever occu- pied by you, and was not the sleep the purest, sweet- est, most glorious of your life? Notwithstanding you were aware of your being many miles from a human habitation, yet what did you care? Did you not feel capable of taking care of yourself, fearing no man and nothing; and was not your horse the only cause for anxiety, lest it trick you by many of its "might-happenings" and thus stray away to its old stomping ground, leaving you to .hoof it over hill and dale the next day; and is it not .a fact that all you