Page:Don Coronado through Kansas.djvu/321

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.TWENTIETH, And now the faithful Indian guide . Has arrived where hi9 friends reside; In parting with Alonso he did confide His adoration, gratitude and pride. YOU MAY be sure that the inhabitants of the City of the Twenty-four had looked forward to the coming of the Spaniards as does a boy to the circus train, and there was no peace or rest for our company, for long before reaching the town they were met by a large concourse of natives, who followed alongside the cav- alcade. Nearly all those who met Goronado were Kansans; of course there were some Missouris, as well as quite a number of Osages, who could not resist the temptation to see the marvelous sight, not caring to take the chances of missing the flying animals; the God-like men with their arrows of thunder and light- ning, and clothes which shone so they could not be looked upon; and if a poor ignorant soul of an Indian did get close enough to the shining armor that an In- dian would be seen watching him (himself, of course), it worked upon the imagination of the simple fellow, believing there was a spirit watching him. Prom what the explorers wrote, there is no doubt but that the city was more permanent than the average Indian village, so our soldiers were quartered in quite com-