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SIXTH. Cor--o--na--do No--Bra-va--do He-first--to-do Col--o--ra--do, - here. WOULD very mucli assist your imagination ix Reming- ton's picture of the "March of Coronado" could be inserted The painter brings out the cavaliers very prominent. Their ar- mor and horse trappings are vividly portrayed in his ■work of art. So expressive is the painting that there is depicted on their faces the Don Quixote expres- sion, and no doubt, every one of them believed that their names were to go resounding down in history; and although the majority of them are prominent men and many of noble lineage, yet they are fuUy cognizant of the hardships they will have to endure, but they do not shrink from the ordeal. This will hold good particularly with our young hero and his servant Monte, who have become close friends, eacb. acting toward the other as equals, both being willing to risk his life for his friend; their ieeling .»ward