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SEVENTH. America was discovered in J8al)ella's reign; Spun for gain conquests did maintain; Her biiccaneers plied the Spanish Main, Now hef acquisitions are only in name; But i&vUe without gain is very tame; Here's to Alfonso XIII, is the U. S. rcfralc - ilHAKESPEARE flourished and wrote about fifty years after Coronado's expedi- tion, and the clergy, literary people, and those of .the^bigh!0st.«tandaM of -morality now quote the author of Hamlet, Merchant of Venice, Venus and Adonis, and also the I^s- sionate Pilgrim without blushing. The literature of the sixteenth century was not what it is in the early part of the twentieth century. The following was written at the time and by those who were through Kansas. It would not do to put into print some of the unnsuail incidents recorded by the men who were with Ooronado, for then this work might be refused by the Postal authorities as being obscene. It would require too much space to recite verba- tim the original, bat in order that the reader may have some conception of titie habits and laoTals of the