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-:; 78 YBOPBSB VKK KAXBAR. wmy vartheA in the puae dar«gfi(m as fbot in ti^eb they hiftd eome from the eettteilBfiats-Hliet in,b^lm^tia the north »bcI' eeet, hot iiM««, towwrd tiie norj^r— they BMr other roaming Qnercehoe igtikd »ooh grisst nnBLber«of cows that it alreedy seemed something Incredible. These people gave a great deal, of infor- mation about settlements, all toward the east from where we were. Here Don Garcia broke his arm and a Spaniard got lost who went off hunting so far that he was unable to return to camp, because the country is very level. The Turk said it was one or two days to Haya (Haza). The general sent Captain Diego Lopes with ten companions lightly equipped and a guide to go out at full speed toward the sunrise for two days and discover Hetxa, and then return to meet the army, which set out in the same direction next day. . They came across so .many animals that those

whp were on the advance guard.killed a large number

of bulls. As these fled they trampled one another in their haste until they came to a ravine. So many of the animals feU into this that they filled it up and the rest went across on top of them. The men who were chasing them on horseback fell in among the animals without noticing where they were going. Three of the horses that fell in among the cows, all saddled and bridled, were lost sight of completely, "There was another native of Quivira with the army, a painted Indian named Ysppete, This Indian declared that ToFk waa lying and on account of this the army paid no attention to him, and even now, although he said ^at the Qaerechos had con- sulted with him', Ymipcte was not believed."