Page:Dorothy's spy; a story of the first "fovrth of Jvly" celebration, New York, 1776.djvu/166

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knowledge that he was about to be rendered penniless seemed to have paralyzed him.

"It is as well that all should go together, for we will be plundered before arriving at a place of safety. Safety? Is there such a place for us?" and the silversmith leaned his head against the stair rail as if his strength had suddenly deserted him.

A loud shouting from the street, followed almost immediately by a heavy blow upon the oaken door, causing the very building to tremble, aroused Master Dean somewhat, and when his wife and Dorothy, flinging their arms around him, urged that he at least make one effort toward escape, the unhappy man slowly followed them in the direction of the kitchen, where stood Scipio with a bundle of clothing in his arms.

There seemed to be no doubt but that the blow upon the door would be repeated immediately, and even as Mistress Lamb and Sarah urged Anthony to have care for himself by going with them, a second triumphant shout was heard.

"The door will give way this time," Master Lamb said hoarsely, as he involuntarily stepped back a few paces, and at that very moment when there appeared to be no hope, a ringing voice was heard in the distance:

"Hold hard there, you scoundrels, or I shall open fire!"