Page:Dorothy's spy; a story of the first "fovrth of Jvly" celebration, New York, 1776.djvu/175

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me to remain in this goodly company, I am needed elsewhere, for soldiers are being stationed at various points to protect the property of the citizens; but before going I crave a boon of you."

"Since all we now have is due to you, sir, it can readily be understood that your wish is the same as a command."

"But I would rather it were put differently, Master Dean. I do not care to accept favors which are granted under compulsion, as it were."

"May we know what it is you desire, sir?"

Master Lamb asked, fearing lest something might be said to arouse his friend's anger.

"I crave permission to visit these little maids whenever it may be to their mothers' convenience. Next to my own, I must love these young mistresses more than all else, and while in their company I shall feel less keenly the homesickness which comes upon me when I allow myself to realize that I may never see my children again."

"You will pleasure us by coming at your own time and so often as inclination leads you, sir," Mistress Dean said heartily as she took the lieutenant's hand, and at that moment the noise of hurrying feet, as people came into the square with such goods as had been saved from their burning homes, aroused the officer of the Fourty-fourth foot to a sense of duty.

Hurriedly, but with the understanding that he