Page:Dorothy's spy; a story of the first "fovrth of Jvly" celebration, New York, 1776.djvu/87

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with the spy, as to what her father might say regarding her behavior, and now that the deed was done, now that Scipio had been sent away to the end that she might the more secretly hide an enemy to her country, now that she no longer heard the lieutenant speaking of his children at home, there was the fear in her mind lest she had committed a grievous crime.

The girls were so deeply occupied with painful thoughts that they gave no heed to the darkness; but crouched silently side by side on the settee, until a vigorous pounding at the street door brought them suddenly to their feet, as a rough voice cried:

"Open up here! We're searchin' for a spy, and demand admittance in the name of the United Colonies!"