Page:Dr. Esperanto's International Language. Introduction and complete grammar. Por angloj. Warsaw, 1889.pdf/41

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Vortaro por Angloj


written in the international language can be translated by means of this vocabulary. If several words are required to express one idea they must be written in one, but separated by commas; e.g. fratino, though one idea, is yet composed of three words, which must be looked separately in the vocabulary.


a - express an adjectivese; e.g. hom' - man  , hom'a - human

acid' - sour, acid

aĉet' - to buy

ad - indicates the duration of an action; e.g. ir' - go , ir'ad' - to walk , danc' - a dance , danc'ad' - dancing

adiaŭ - good-bye

aer - the air

afer' - affair, business

agl' - the eagle

agrabl' - agreeable

aĝ' - the age

ajn - ever;e.g. kiu - who , kiu ajn - whoever

aĵ' - indicates a thing, having some quality or peculiarity, or made of some particular thing; e.g. mal'nov' - old , mal'nov'aĵ' - old things , frukt' - fruit , frukt'aĵ' - made of fruits

akompan' - to accompany

akr' - sharp

akv' - water

al - to; e.g. al li - to him (indicates also the dative)

ali' - other

almenaŭ - at least

alt' - high, tall

alumet' - a match

am' - to love, like

amas' - crowd, mass

amik' - friend

an' - a member an inhabitant, an adherent; e.g. regn' - state, kingdom, empire , regn'an' - inhabitant of an empire etc. , Paris'an' - a Parisian

angul' - an angle, a corner

anĝel' - an angel

anim' - the soul

ankaŭ - also, too

ankoraŭ - still, yet

anstataŭ - instead of

ant' - indicates the present participle (active)

antaŭ - before

apart' - separate

aparten' - to belong

apenaŭ - scarcely, hardly

apud - near, nigh to

ar' - indicates a collection of objects; e.g. arb' - a tree , arb'ar' - a forest , ŝtup' - step, stair , ŝtup'ar' - staircase,stairs,ladder

arb' - a tree

arĝent' - silver

as - indicates the present in verbs

at' - indicates the present participle (passive)

atend' - to wait for, expect

ating' - attain, reach

- or, either

aŭd' - to hear

aŭskult' - listen to

aŭtun' - autumn

av' - grandfather

avar' - avaricious

azen' - an ass, a donkey


babil' - to prate, to chatter, to prattle

bak' - to bake

bala' - to sweep

balanc' - to nod, swing, sway

baldaŭ - soon

ban' - to bathe

bapt' - to baptise

bar' - to bar (a door), to stop (a passage)

barb' - the beard

barel' - barrel, cask

baston' - stick

bat' - to beat, to flog

batal' - to fight, to struggle

bedaŭr' - to pity, to regret, to repent

bel - beautiful, handsome

ben' - to bless, consecrate, hallow

benk' - a bench

best' - an animal, a beast

bezon' - to want

bier' - beer

bind' - to bind

bird' - a bird

blank' - white

blov' - to blow

blu' - blue

bo' - relation by marriage (own or other people’s) e.g. patr' - father , bo'patr' - father in law , frat' - brother , bo'frat' - brother in law

boj' - to bark

bol' - to boil

bon' - good

bord' - shore (of the sea), the bank or side (of a river)

bot' - a boot

botel' - a bottle

bov' - an ox

branĉ' - a branch

brand' - brandy

bril' - to shine, to sparkle, to glitter

bros' - a brush

bru' - to make a noise, to bawl

brul' - to burn one’s self

brust' - the breast, bosom

brut' - brute

buŝ' - the mouth

buter' - butter

buton' - a button


cel' - to aim

cent - a hundred

cert' - certain, sure, known

ceter' - the remainder, the following, rest

cigar' - a cigar

cigared' - a cigarette

citron' - a lemon, citron


ĉagren' - to grieve, to vex

ĉambr' - a chamber, a room

ĉap' - a cap, a bonnet

ĉapel' - a hat

ĉar - because

ĉe - near, by at, beside

ĉemiz' - a shirt, a chemise

ĉen' - a chain

ĉeriz' - a cherry

ĉerk' - a coffin

ĉes' - to cease, to leave off

ĉeval' - a horse

ĉi - the nearest (person, thing, etc.); e.g. tiu - that one , tiu ĉi - this one , tie - there , tie ĉi - here

ĉia - every

ĉiam (ĉian) - always, ever

ĉie - everywhere

ĉiel' - heaven,heavens, sky

ĉio - all, everything

ĉirkaŭ - around, round about

ĉiu - every one

ĉj' - added to the first 2-5 letters of masculine proper name makes it a diminutive, caressing; e.g. Miĥael' - Mi'ĉj' , Aleksandr' - Ale'ĉj'

ĉu - or, if, is employed in questions; e.g. mi ne sci'as, ĉu vi am'as - I don’t know, if you love


da - supplies the genetive (after words

expressing measure,weight etc.); e.g.  kilogram'o da viand'o    - a kilo of meat  , glas'o da te'o    - a cup of tea 

danc' - to dance

danĝer' - danger

dank' - to thank

daŭr' - to endure, to last

de - from, of : supplies also the genitive

decid' - to decide

defend' - to defend

dek - ten

dekstr' - right (adj)

demand' - to ask

dens' - dense, thick

dent' - a tooth

detru' - to demolish, to destroy, to ruin

dev' - must,ought, to be obliged

dezert' - a desert, a wilderness

dezir' - to desire

Di' - God

dik - big, thick, stout

diligent' - diligence, assiduity

dimanĉ' - Sunday

dir' - to tell, to say

dis' - asunder, into parts; e.g. ŝir' - to pull , dis'ŝir' - to pull asunder

disput' - to contend for, to quarrel, to dispute

divid' - to divide

dolĉ' - sweet

dolor' - ache, pain, affliction

dom' - house

don' - to give

donac' - to make a present of

dorm' - to sleep

dors' - the back

du - two

dum - while, whilst


e - the ending of adverbs; bon'e - well

eben' - even, smooth

ebl' - possible

ec' - indicates abstract ideas; e.g. bon' - good , bon'ec' - goodness , infan' - child , infan'ec' - childhood

- even (adv.) also

eduk' - to educate

edz' - the husband

efektiv' - real, effective

eg' - indicates enlargement of intensity of degree; e.g. man' - hand , man'eg' - paw , varm' - warm , varm'eg - hot

egal' - equal, like

ej' - indicates the place of an action etc; e.g. kuir' - to cook , kuir'ej' - the kitchen , preĝ' - to pray , preĝ'ej' - the church

ek' - indicates the beginning or the short duration of an action etc; e.g. kant' - to sing , ek'kant' - to begin to sing , kri' - cry , ek'kri' - to cry out, to exclaim

eks' - formerly; placed before an official or professional designation, shows that a person has given up his office or profession

ekster - on the outside of, outwardly, without, out of

ekzempl' - example

el - from, out of

elekt' - to choose, to elect

em' - inclined, disposed, accustomed

en - in

enu' - to be weary,annoyed

envi' - to envy 

er' - indicates a thing, taken as a separate unity; e.g. sabl' - sand , sabl'er'  - grain of sand

erar' - to err, to be wrong, to be mistaken

escept' - to exclude, to except 

esper' - to hope 

esprim' - to express, to declare by words

est' - to be 

estim' - to esteem, to prize

esting' - to extinguish 

estr' - the chief, the superior

et' - indicates diminution or decrease; e.g. rid' - to laugh , rid'et' - to smile , mur' - a wall , mur'et' - a little wall, chamber wall

etaĝ' - a floor, a story

etern' - eternal 


facil' - light, easy 

faden' - thread 

fajf' - to pipe, to whistle 

fajr' - fire 

fal' - to fall 

fald' - to fold 

famili' - family 

far' - to do, to make, to act;

far'iĝ' - to become, to turn, to grow

fart' - to live, to be (well or ill)

feliĉ' - happy 

fend' - to split , to chop

fenestr' - window 

fer' - iron 

ferm' - to shut 

fest' - to feast, to hold a feast

fianĉ' - one who is betrothed,the bridegroom

fidel' - faithful, true

fier' - proud, haughty

fil' - a son 

fin' - to finish

fingr' - a finger 

firm' - firm, solid

fiŝ' - a fish 

flank' - side,flank

flar' - to smell

flav' - yellow 

flor' - flourish 

flu' - to flow 

flug' - to fly

fluid' - liquid, fluid 

foj' -  time (e. g. four times)

fojn' - hay 

foli' - a leaf (of a tree), a sheek (of paper etc.)

fond' - to found , establish

font' - a fountain 

for - away

forges' - to forget 

forĝ' - to forge 

fork' - a fork 

forn' - a stove 

fort' - strong, vigorous

fos' - to dig 

frap' - to hit, to beat

frat' - brother 

fraŭl' - bachelor, single man

freŝ' - fresh 

fromaĝ' - cheese 

frost' - frost, coldness

frot' - to rub 

fru' - early 

frukt' - fruit 

frunt' - forehead 

fulm' - lightning 

fum' - the smoke 

fund' - the bottom 

funebr' - funeral 

fung' - mushroom 


gaj' - gay

gajn' - to win, to gain 

gant' - a glove 

gard' - to guard, to keep

gast' - guest 

ge' - of both sexes; e.g. patr' - father , ge'patr'o'j - parents , mastr' - master , ge'mastr'o'j - both the master and the mistress of the house

genu' - knee 

glaci' - ice 

glas' - a glass, cup

glat' - smooth, even

glav' - sword 

glit' - to slide, to glide along (on ice)

glor' - to glorify

glut' - to swallow

gorĝ' - throat 

grand' - great

gras' - fat, grease

grat' - to scratch 

gratul' - to congratulate 

grav' - grave, important 

griz' - gray 

gust' - the taste 

gut' - to drop

gut'o - a drop


ĝarden' - a garden 

ĝem' - to groan 

ĝentil' - gentle 

ĝi - it 

ĝis - to, until,up to

ĝoj' - to rejoice, to be glad


ha! - ha! ah!

hajl' - the hail

haladz' - bad exhalation 

halt' - to stop, to make a stay

har' - a hair 

haring' - a herring 

haŭt' - skin, hide

hav' - to have 

hejt' - to heat, to make a fire

help' - to help, to aid

herb' - herb, grass 

hered' - to inherit 

hieraŭ - yesterday 

ho! - oh! 

hodiaŭ - to-day

hom' - man (human beings in general)

honest' - honest 

hont' - shame 

hor' - an hour 

horloĝ - a clock 

hotel' - inn, hotel 

huf' - hoof 

humil' - humble 

hund' - dog 


i - indicates the infinitive in verbs; laŭd'i - to praise

ia - some

ial - by whatever cause

iam (ian) - sometime

id' - child, descendant; e.g. bov' - ox  , bov'id' - calf 

ie - somewhere

iel - in some manner

ies - some one's

ig' - to cause anything to be in a cretain state; e. g. pur' - pure, clean , pur'ig' - to purify, to cleanse , brul' - to burn one’s self , brul'ig' - to burn some one (some thing) , sid' - to sit , sid'ig' - to seat

iĝ' -  to become,to turn, to compel one's self; e. g. pal' - pale , pal'iĝ' - to turn pale , sid' - to sit , sid'iĝ' - to seat one's self

il' - an instrument for a given purpose; e. g. tond' - to shear , tond'il' - scissors  , paf' - to shoot , paf'il' - a gun, a musket, a firelock

ili - they

in' - indicates the feminine; e. g. patr' - father , patr'in' - mother , kok' - cock , kok'in' - a hen

ind' - worth, worthy

ing' - a thing into which something else is put, a holder; e.g. kandel' - a taper, a candle  , kandel'ing' - a candlestick 

ink' - ink 

instru' - to teach

insul' - island 

insult' - to insult, to outrage

int' - indicates past participle (active)

intenc' - to intend 

inter - between

intern' - inwardly, internally

invit' - to invite 

io - somewhat, something

iom - any, some

ir' - to go 

is - indicates the past (in verbs);

ist' - occupied with; e. g. bot' - boot, shoe , bot'ist' - shoemaker , mar' - sea , mar'ist' - a seaman, a sailor 

it' - indicates the past participle (passive)

iu - some one


j - indicates the plural

ja - however, nevertheless

jam - already 

jar' - year 

Je - may be translated by various prepositions its signification depends on the general sense of the phrase

jen - there, here

Jes - yes 

ju—des - the — the

juĝ' - to judge 

jun' - young 

just' - just, equitable


ĵaŭd' - Thursday 

ĵet - to throw, to cast

ĵur' - to swear 


kaf' - coffee 

kaj - and 

kajer' - stitched book of writing paper, a copy book (in schools)

kaldron' - kettle, caldron

kaleŝ' - cab, a light carriage 

kalkul' - to count, to reckon

kamen' - chimney, fire-place

kamp' - a field 

kanap' - a sofa

kandel' - a candle 

kant' - to sing 

kap' - head 

kapt' - to seize, to catch

kar' - dear 

karb' - coal

kares' - to caress 

kaŝ' - to hide, to conceal

kat' - a cat 

kaŭz' - to cause, to occasion

ke - that (conj.)

kelk' - some, certain

kest' - box, chest

kia - what; e.g. kia hom'o - what man , kia tag'o - what day

kial - why, wherefore

kiam (kian) - when 

kie - where 

kiel - how 

kies - whose; e.g.

kies libr'o - whose book ?

kio - what, that which

kiom - how much, how many

kis' - to kiss

kiu - who

klar' - clear 

knab' - boy, lad

kok' - cock

kol' - neck 

koleg' - a colleague 

kolekt' - to collect, to gather

koler' - to be angry

kolon' - column, pillar 

kolor' - a colour 

komb' - to comb 

komenc' - to begin

komerc' - to trade, to traffic

kompat' - to compassionate, to bear with

kompren' - to understand, to conceive

kon' - to know

kondiĉ' - condition 

konduk' - to conduct, to lead

konfes' - to avow, to confess

konsent' - to consent 

konserv' - to preserve, to keep

konsil' - to counsel, to advise

konsol' - to console, to comfort

konstant' - constant, steadfast

konstru' - to construct, to build

kontent' - content, satisfied

kontraŭ - against 

konven' - to suit, to agree

kor' - the heart 

korn' - a horn 

korp' - the body 

kort' - the court, the courtyard