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But all are manifest to God alone,
And He will judge them on His great white throne.

Has learning’s golden store to thee beea given?
’Tis very good, when sanetified by Heaven;
But, if thon dost not use thy knowledge well,
’Twill sink thee lower in the pit of hell!
Hast thoa thy name upon some ehurch's roll?
What will that profit, if thou lose thy soul?
For if thy name is not enrolled above,
Thou eanst not taste the sweetness of God’s love.
Thou mayst appear most lovely here below,—
So does a graveyard eovered o’er with snow;
But thou art ugly in the sight of Heaven,
Like some foul sepulchre by earthquake riven.
Or hast thou no religion, great nor small?
Or is’t thy creed, religion to blackball?
Perhaps thou’rt one of those who think it wise
To east away the Truth, and trust in lies.
Or dost thon oceupy the seorner's chair,
And all that’s holy into tatters tear?
Or is it so that thou art one of those
Whom Satan with strong drink leads by the nose?
Or, to eonclude, art thou among the swine
Who eat the devil’s husks, and think them fine?

Whatever state or station thou art in,
Thou hast been bitten by the serpent sin,
Whose poison is so deadly to thy soul,
That none but God himself can make thee whole.
And, from this poison wretched men to free,
Behold God's Lamb on Calvary’s cursed tree.