Page:Draft Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.djvu/13

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Article 29

1. Teaching is free, except for the supervision to be exercised by the public authority in accordance with the law.

2. The choice of education is free.

Article 30

The freedom is recognized to perform social and charitable work, to found organizations for this purpose, as well as for private education and to acquire and own property to these ends.

Article 31

Everyone in the territory of the State owes obedience to the Law — common law included — and to the lawful and lawfully acting public authorities.

Article 32

1. The regulations as established by law on the exercise of the rights and freedoms described in this section, shall if necessary impose limitations exclusively for the purpose of securing the indispensable recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and to comply with the just requirements of public order, morality and the general welfare in a democratic community.

2. If necessary the federal law gives directives in this respect for the legislation of the participant territories.

Article 33

No provision in this section may be interpreted as implying for any public authority, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aiming at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Article 34

The will of the people is the basis of public authority; this will is expressed in periodic and genuine elections which are held by universal and equal suffrage and by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedure.

Article 35

The authorities promote social security to the extent of their abilities and in particular promote a securing and guaranteeing of favourable labour-conditions and -situations, checking of unemployment and establishing reasonable old-age-provisions and care for widows and orphans.

Article 36

1. The raising of the people’s prosperity is an object of continuous concern of the authorities, the aim of which at all times shall be that everyone be ensured a standard of living for himself and his family in accordance with human dignity.