Page:Draft Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.djvu/38

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Article 162

The federal law may regulate the judgement of disputes of administrative law concerning regulations established by or in virtue of this Constitution or of a federal law, which does not exclusively and directly concern organs and inhabitants of one participant territory, including public bodies instituted or recognized by or in virtue of a law of that participant territory.

Article 163

1. Any reference made to ”law” in this section is understood to mean federal laws and laws of participant territories, unless indications to the contrary have been given.

2. Any reference made to ”laws of the participant territories”, is understood to mean laws made by the highest legislative organs of the participant territories.

3. Any reference made to ”judgement” in articles 154, 156 and 158 of this section includes other judicial decisions.

Part 1. Monetary System
Article 164

1. The currency which is issued by virtue of federal law shall be the only legal tender in the entire territory of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.

2. The monetary unit in which the legal tender is expressed shall be defined by federal law.

3. The federal law either recognizes a legal tender for unlimited amounts or for a specific and limited amount.

4. The issue of legal tender takes place by or on behalf of the Government of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia or by the Circulation Bank.

Article 165

1. There is one circulation bank for Indonesia.

2. The designation, organization and competencies of the circulation bank shall be enacted by federal law.

Part 2. The Administration of Federal Finance
Budges — Account — Salaries
Article 166

1. The general administration of federal finance rests with the Government.

2. The finances of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia are administered and accounted for according to regulations to be enacted by federal law.