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Article 181

1. The direction of defence is the task of the Government.

2. The federal law regulates the institution, composition and organization, task and powers of the organ entrusted with the general defence policy, with the organization and the division of the tasks of the armed forces and in time of war with the conduct of war.

Article 182

1. The President is Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.

2. The Government shall, if required, put the armed forces under the command of a commander-in-chief. The Minister of Defence can be designated to this end.

3. The officers are appointed, promoted and discharged by or on behalf of the President in accordance with rules to be stipulated by federal law.

Article 183

The Government shall require the approval of the House of Representatives and the Senate before declaring war. The House of Representatives and the Senate shall take this decision in a joint meeting acting as one body presided by the Chairman of the House of Representatives.

Article 184

1. In the manner and in the instances to be defined by federal law, the Government can declare the territory of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia or parts thereof in a state of war or in a state of siege insofar as and as long as the Government considers this state necessary for the safeguarding of external and internal security.

2. The federal law regulates the consequences of such a declaration and can equally stipulate that the constitutional powers of the civil authorities on public order and the police shall wholly or partly be transferred to other organs of civil authority or the military authorities and that the civil authorities become subordinate to the military authorities.

Article 185

1. The participant territories shall not have their own armed forces.

2. At the request of the government c.q. the authority of a participant territory, the Government of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia can render military assistance to the participant territory for the safeguarding of public law and order and security.
The federal law shall establish regulations for this purpose.

Article 186

The Constituent Assembly together with the Government shall enact as soon as possible the Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia, which shall replace this provisional Constitution.