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in my power I will treat her nobly; but she must be in my power.


I have no more to say to you; my pleading is at an end.


I am glad to hear it. And now, dropping this subject, which must never again be resumed, let me remind you of the business you are to transact for me at the other end of the town. I have ordered my carriage to meet me here, and it is just drawing up at the door. (Hasting away, and returning.) Half-past twelve, I think, is the time Mrs. Arden has appointed?


Yes, it is the time she fixed.


I must hurry home, then. [Exit.

BRUTON (alone).

And this is the man to whom my cursed extravagance has subjected me, while, having me in his power, he treats me like a menial—like a slave! Oh, thou vice of gaming! thou hast overthrown thy thousands and tens of thousands, never to rise again—never again to bear themselves with the erect dignity of an honest man!
