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And only such? Had he thus wickedly
Devised Ulrico's death, some hir'd assassin
Had done the bloody work, not his own hands.


Well, but what think'st thou of his strange aversion

To this, the goodliest seat our country boasts?
Although his countess oft hath urged him to it,
He hath not since his marriage here resided,—
Nay, hath not pass'd a night within these walls:
And, but that he is absent at the wars,
Ev'n though the recent earthquake has in ruins
His other castle laid, and forced us thence,
This mansion had remain'd untenanted.


I would the ghostly father were arrived!

(Voice heard behind the screen.)

Blood will accuse:—am I not curs'd for this?


He speaks again: I thought that for the while

He had been sunk into a state of stupor.
Go thou and watch by him, Gauvino; haste!
For steps approach, and none must be admitted.

(Gauvino retires behind the screen; and Ludoviquo, running to the door, meets Sophera, and endeavours to prevent her entering.)