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To let such dismal notions haunt thee so—
Thy father comes, with his afflicted friend.

Enter Provost, leading Graham by the hand.

[Alice advances affectionately to Graham, who opens his arms to receive her, and she weeps upon his neck, without speaking. She then leads him to a chair, and seats herself upon a stool at his feet, taking his hand in hers, and bending over it, while the Provost and Marian remain in the front.]

PROVOST (looking at them).

That poor old man! he utters not a word

Of sorrow or complaint; and all the more
I grieve for him. God help him! in whose hands
The hearts of men are kept.


And he is help'd, for he is weeping now.


He did not weep when we for him were weeping,

And he will weep when all our tears are dried.
—Our two young men, methinks, are long of coming.


But are you sure your messenger hath found them?