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Than Basil Gordon: yet will never marry
But with consent of my much honour'd father,
When he, less prejudiced, shall know and own
The worth of him I love."
(Spreading out the paper.)
This is her writing, as you plainly see;
And this is Gordon's, for I know it well.

GRAHAM (beating his breast).

This blow! this blow! a Gordon and a papist!


True, he is both: the last, I must confess,

No trivial fault. Howbeit he is, in truth,
A brave and noble gentleman.


Indeed he is, dear Sir. Your gentle Emma

Could love no other. Valiant in the field,
As frequent foreign records have attested:
In private conduct good and honourable;
And loving her he loved, as he has done,
With ardent, tender constancy——


Hold! hold!

He loved her not—by Heaven he loved her not!
When all who ever knew her, drown'd in sorrow,
Follow'd her hearse, he—he alone was absent.
Where was he then, I pray?


I'll tell thee where: