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COUNTESS (shaking him off).

Base and audacious fool! did not thy folly

Almost excuse thy crime, thou shouldst most dearly
Repent this insult. Thinkest thou my lord
Has left me unprotected?—Ho! Rovani!
Move with a quicker step.

Enter Rovani, followed by Gonzalos.

(To Tortona, pointing to Rovani.) Behold, my Lord, the friend of absent Garcio,
And in his absence holder of this castle.

To his fair courtesy, as it is meet,
I now consign you with all due respect;
And so farewell. [Exit, followed by Sophera.


I might, indeed, have known that modern dames

An absent husband's substitute can find
Right speedily.

ROVANI (aside to Gonzalos).

Jealous of me, I hear.

It makes my soldier's plume more proudly wave
To think such fancies twitch him.
(Aloud to Tortona, advancing to meet him.)
Noble Marquis!
Proud of the lady's honourable charge,
Which to my care entrusts a guest so valued,
Let me entreat you to partake within