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Alas! I have no strength; but let my weakness
Compel thee, generous Claudien!
(Kneeling to him.)


Dear love! alarm bereaves thee of thy reason,

If thou believ'st thy chamber would protect me.
Shouldst thou before the judges speak of me,
As of an absent man! would they believe thee?
Thy servants too; they have admitted here
A stranger muffled up in mystery,
And must confess they saw him not depart.
Thou'lt run me into danger from the dread
And apprehension of it.—
Withhold me not; I will be very prudent;
I will not rashly risk my life. No longer
Must I remain; moments are precious now;
Let me depart.


Go instantly; I am a hateful wretch

To keep thee here so long.
(Catching hold of him as he hurries off.)
Button thee closer, take this handkerchief,
And press it to thy mouth like one in pain.
(Giving a handkerchief.)


I thank thee, kind Rosella. (Going.)