progress at the astonishing rate of one couplet per day. The window-sill might do well enough for that.
But you think of former times, my friend; rhyming becomes easier by practice.
So it does, like all other things; and I dare say you can now write two couplets per day with no great difficulty.
Don't trouble thy head about my progress; let us set out on our visit to Sir Cameron. His mansion is scarcely a mile off, I am told. He is a kind-hearted fellow; he will be glad to see us.
Yes, if he do not take it into his head that we have some covert design in our visit.
Some covert design!
Ay; sounding his intentions as to standing for the county: propitiating his patronage for some itinerant artist or lecturer: introducing to his acquaintance some forward chaperon, with a troop of female cousins at her back, to invade the daily peace of his home. O dear! what will