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over your shoulders denotes that one superior to yourself adores you; but if the hair is red, it denotes that you have enemies.

Hanging. Dreaming you see people hanged, or that you are to be executed yourself, is a sign you will, by marriage, rise above your present condition, or a favour will be asked by one in needy circumstances from you.

Hatred. Dreaming of being hated by friends or foes is a bad omen.

Harrows. To dream you see white horses in the harrows is a sure sign of good news; if they are black, deep distress will befall you, as your lover will forsake you for another.

Hay. To dream that you are making hay and the sun shining, denotes great prosperity to you as a lover; if married, riches and honour await you, but if the sun is under a cloud, and the rest of the workers are taking their ease, it is a sure sign that you will get a husband—but you will have to work foe him.

Hills. To dream of climbing up hills shews you will overcome many troubles, and at last be very rich.

Horses. To dream of horses is very lucky: if you dream that you see white horses, they denote speedy news, if they are black, you may expect to hear of the death of an acquaintance.

Ice. To dream you are sliding or skating upon ice shews you will be engaged in some imaginary pursuit that will elude you; if the ice breaks, you may be certain of sickness.

Infants. Dreaming of infants denotes ill health and trouble; if they are playing, you may therefore