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marriage and success in all your undertakings; the married, it pr0omises young children, who will be dutiful and give great comfort; to dream you see another person dead, denotes ill usage, from friends; if you are in love, your sweetheart will prove false; if you are in trade, sharpers will take you in; if a farmer, you will lose money by horse and be waylaid as you return from market.

Debt. To dream, you are in debt and pursued by officers, denotes that you will fall into some unexpected difficulties, or great danger.

Devil. To dream you see the devil without fear, foretells you will get the better of your adversary if you are frightened, you will be under some danger.

Dogs. To dream of dogs that belong to us signifies success in our pursuits; but if we dream of those belonging to others, dangerous enemies.

Drunk. If you dream of being intoxicated, it is sure that some one is slandering you, but a sincere friend, by his interference, destroys their inveterate malice.

Eagle. To dream of seeing an eagle soaring high is a good omen to those who have great undertakings on hand; but to dream that an eagle alights upon us, signifies mischance.

Eating. To dream you are eating denotes profit and success in your present enterprise; a loathing of victuals is a sign of disunion in your family.

Errand. To dream that you are running an errand, and that one of your shoes comes off, is a sign that you will lose a sincere friend; if you succeed in accomplishing your message without any accident,