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Dowson, Ernest
  Extreme Unction 58
  Benedictio Domini 58
  Carthusians 58

Drane, Augusta T.
  Maris Stella 60

Earls, S.J., Michael
  An Autumn Rose Tree 62
  To a Carmelite Postulant 63

Eden, Helen Parry
  A Purpose of Amendment 64
  The Confessional 65
  An Elegy 66
  Sorrow 70

Edmund, C.P., Father
  Our Lady's Death 71

Egan, Maurice Francis
  Vigil of the Immaculate Conception 71
  The Old Violin 72
  Maurice de Guerin 73
  He Made Us Free 73

Faber, Father
  Grandeur of Mary 75
  Right Must Win 77

Fitzpatrick, John
  Mater Dolorosa 79

Furlong, Alice
  Yuletide 79

Gaffney, O.P., Francis A.
  Our Lady of the Rosary 81

Garesche, S.J., Edward F.
  At the Leap of the Waters 81
  Niagara 83

Giltinan, Caroline
  Communion 85