Page:Drug Themes in Science Fiction (Research Issues 9).djvu/1

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112 299 010 072 INSTITUTION REPORT NO PUB DATE NOTE Silverberg, Robert Drug Themes in Science Fiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Issues 9. Documentation Associates, Los Angeles, Calif.; National Inst. on Drug Abuse (DE/PHS), Rockville, DHEW-ADH-75-190 Nov 74 649. EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS MP-$0.76 MC-$3.32 Plus Postage

  • Conent Anal'sis; *Drug Abuse; *Literature Reviews;
  • Science Piction

ABSTRACT This booklet is part of a series most of which fcus on empirical research findings and major theoretical approaches in the area of drug usage. In this volume, the author has compiled a group of English-language short stories and novels which deal with the use of mind-altering drugs, all written since 1900 and falling within the literary category of science fiction. (Not included are stories dealing with drugs whose effects are primarily on the body rather than the mind--immortality serums, for example.) The majority of the stories included in the study date from the post-1965 period, when the wide use of drugs first pervaded the national life. Included is an overview of drug themes in science fiction and an annotated bibliography of 75 novels. {Author/HMV)

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