Page:Duke of Gordon's three daughters (2).pdf/6

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You're welcome pretty Captain Ogilvie,
Your fortune's advanced I hear,
No stranger can come to my gates,
That I do love so dear.

Sir, the last time I was at your gate
You would not let me in;
I am come for my wife and children,
No friendship else I claim.
Then she came tripping down the stair,
With the saut tear in her ee,
One babe she had at every foot,
Another upon her knee.

You're welcome, bonny Jean Gordon,
You're dearly welcome to me,
You're welcome bonny Jean Gordon,
Countess of Northumberland to be.
Now the Captain came off with his lady,
And his sweet babies three,
Saying, I'm as good blood by descent.
Though the great Duke of Gordon you be.



The tuneful laverocks cheer the grove,
And sweetly smiles the summer green;
Now o'er the mead I love to rove
Wi' bonny Jem of Aberdeen.