Page:Durga Puja - With Notes and Illustrations.djvu/40

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standing on a lotus, her right hand raised and the left lowered, making a graceful attitude. To the left of the central group is put Sarasvati as white as marble or purer still, like the jasmine, the moon, or the snow, standing on a white lotus and holding in her hands a vina, guitar, dressed in white. Her left foot rests tip-toe on the right and her left hand slightly raised. She leans gracefully towards the left. A little lower to the right of Lakshmi sits, with his left leg bent on the right the vermeil-red, triple-eyed, plump and round-bodied, big-bellied, handsome Ganesa, holding in his hands a lotus flower, a noose, a goad, and chakra; surmounted by the face of the prince of elephants, one-tusked bearing the crescent moon on his forehead, from the pores of which distill liquor drops. His shoulders are decorated with a wreath made of the king of serpents and his dress is red. To the left of Sarasvati sits the victorious and gold colored Kartikeya, on a beautiful peacock. In his right band, he holds a lance and with the open left palm confers boons on his devotees. Under the lotus, the seat of Ganesa, may be seen a small crouching mouse, snugly resting with its tail curved on its back.

In the right nook of the frame-work is placed Siva, seated on his fat Nandi (bull). Siva is des-