Page:Durga Puja - With Notes and Illustrations.djvu/76

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Homafire, if not previously done, 7thly the Homa or the offering of oblations to the sacred fire, and 8thly worship of the minor gods. The day's, work is closed by worshipping a virgin of the Brahman caste (Kumari) .

Early in the morning having finished their morning ceremonies the priests enter the place of worship,and taking out the Navapatrica they either carry it to the river-side to have it bathed,or bathe it in the courtyard of the house according to the family custom. But the taking to the river-side does not interefere with once more bathing the Navapatrica on the court-yard with the drugs and cosmetics mentioned above, where that instance prevails. The priests then approach the vilva tree and make the usual sankalpa, and with mustard seeds the pujaka prays Om may the woods and the forests protect us, for I sprinkle with water the vaishnavas, Om may the woods and the forests protect us, for I shield the vishnavas, Om may the woods and the forests protect us, for I adore the Vaishnavi! Om may the woods and the forests protect us, for I offer the Ahuti to the Vaishnavi. Om thou art a vaishnava, Om you are all vaishnavas, and therefore do you protect me. The priests next worship the gods Surya, Ganesa, &c.,