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Dutch Reformed Churches Union.

Act No. 23 of 1911.

to matters of doctrine.

behalf, that any particular doctrine or matter of doctrine or statement of doctrine, whether the same is then in controversy or not in controversy, is in conformity with, or opposed to (as the case may be), the doctrine of the church as in this section defined the declaration of the Synod in that behalf shall be final, and shall be accepted in every court of law as conclusive and irrebuttable evidence of what constitutes the doctrine of the church in respect of the doctrine, matter, or statement forming the subject of such declaration as aforesaid;

Power of Synod to alter composition, etc., of Synod.


that it shall and may be lawful for the Synod of the said united church at any time hereafter, if and when it shall deem fit and proper to do so, to alter the constitution and composition of the Synod thereof by limiting the number of members attending the same and so providing for a “Synodus Contracta” and by altering or modifying the system under which members are returned or deputed to such Synod, or by making provision for the inclusion in such Synod (whether as heretofore constituted or as altered as aforesaid) of other persons as members, not being persons of a class at present holding sitting in any of the Synods of the aforesaid churches, or by any or all of the above means or by any other mode which it shall deem fit and proper; and the action of the said Synod in respect of any such alteration or modification as aforesaid, duly effected in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations obtaining in that behalf at the time shall not be liable to be impeached or questioned in any court of law on the ground that vested or other rights have been interfered with, or previous practice and usage departed from, or on any other ground whatsoever; and it is hereby expressly declared that such Synod so altered or modified as aforesaid in any respect as aforesaid shall for all purposes, legal and otherwise, be deemed to be the duly constituted and proper Synod of the said united church;

Power to constitute Provincial Synods.


that it shall furthermore be lawful for the Synod or General Assembly of the said united church, if at any time it see fit and proper so to do, to