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Dutch Reformed Churches Union.

Act No. 23 of 1911.

regulations to add to, annul, alter, enlarge, and improve any of the laws, rules or regulations then and theretofore obtaining and in, force; provided that any law, rule or regulation of the said Synod or General Assembly repugnant to or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act shall be null and void.

Interpretation of certain terms.

11. For the purposes of this Act the following terms shall have the meanings herein respectively assigned thereto, save as may be otherwise required by the context:―


The term “Dutch Reformed Church” shall include the Nederduits Gereformeerde Churches in the Province of the Cape of Good Hope, Oranje Free State and Natal and the “Nederduits Hervormde of Gereformeerde” Church in the Transvaal and any seminary, college, school, or other institution belonging to, or administered by, any of the Dutch Reformed Churches entering into the union contemplated by this Act.


The term “rights” shall include powers, privileges and immunities.


The term “property” or “properties” shall include all buildings, lands, funds, moneys, goods, effects, assets, or claims to property, or rights of action, of what kind soever, whether in possession, or expectancy, nothing excepted; and shall include any property held by or in trust for, or for the purposes of, any school, scheme, or mission, or special object of the said uniting churches or any of them, or any payment or subsidy heretofore and still payable to or for any Minister, functionaries or purposes of the said churches, or any of them out of any Colonial treasury or out of any public treasury of the Union of South Africa.


“Synod” shall in the event of the establishment of Provincial Synods, be taken to mean the original and empowering Synod of the said united church as distinguished from any Provincial Synod.

Coming into force of Act—effect of proclamation.

12. This Act shall come into force on promulgation thereof in the Gazette, and the union thereby contemplated and the united church thereby provided for shall come into being and take effect and be of force and be legally recognized for all purposes on and after the proclamation by the Governor-General hereinbefore in section three referred to.

Title of Act.

13. This Act may be cited as the Dutch Reformed Churches Union Act, 1911.