Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/108

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judgment, and correct my errors. If ever such a friend should fall to my lot!—but hush!—be still, my heart!—Ah! no!—such a bliss will never be thine! But if perchance it should, the world, and all its vain uncertain joys, I will renounce without a sigh! Fixed but to one—the centre, the central point of every future happiness."

The enthusiasm of her thoughts caused in her a total suspension of movement, and she remained at the open window. Alas! how little did she suspect that those base destroyers, then gazing upon her like midnight assassins, only waited an occasion to infuse their deadly venom, and rob her for ever of that sweet enjoyment of breathing forth her soul in language so pure and pious!

As each contemplated her, each hoped for the fruition of his own infernal plan. Despicable wretches! Think ye to pollute the sacred shrine of Truth? can your deep envenomed guile spread its malignancy in the fair tabernacle of Rosilia's breast? Will not hypocrisy drop its mask? Will ye not appear in all your false deceptive colours, ere virtue falls, or innocence is betrayed, and existence ceases to have its charms!

"Virtue may be assail'd, but never hurt,
Surpris'd by unjust force, but not enthrall'd;
Yea, that which mischief meant most harm,
Shall in the happy trial prove most glory."

Rosilia has closed the curtains of her window,—she has withdrawn to the interior of the room,—no longer is she visible to the unhallowed eyes of those vicious