Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/134

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mented to the most desperate energy, the passion of Melliphant.

Giving himself up to the wildest phrenzy, he sought no longer to conceal his feelings. In frantic language, and vehement gestures, he pourtrayed to her the agony of his soul, and the despair to which he was driven. Rosilia, in affright, again precipitately rising, approached to ring the bell for the servant of Mrs. Belmour, but he seized her trembling hand in time to prevent her design.

"Cruel girl!" exclaimed he, his eyes flashing fire, and drawing a pistol from his bosom; "to what extremity do you drive me! Tremble for the consequences," added he, in accents scarcely human; "you drive me to madness; and I am no longer master of my actions! Promise to be mine,—mine only,—my wife! or this moment shall terminate my existence; my corse will lie bleeding at your feet! Promise! say but the word, and you are instantly released?"

No sooner had he uttered these terrific sounds, and was apparently bent upon executing his horrible threat, than two men, of fierce aspect, burst open the door, one of whom advanced precipitately forward, appearing to Rosilia as hirelings employed by Melliphant to assist in bearing her away; she was about plighting irrevocably her faith, when uttering a piercing shriek, all further sense forsook her, and she sunk in a state of insensibility to the ground.