Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/143

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silia, "but that you, and your mother would have been employed at home in making preparations for your journey; my absence elsewhere having been indispensable; and unhappily this arose from my having forgotten to caution your mother. But, too late, I discovered the real motives which influenced the great attentions I received from Sir Howard and Melliphant, perhaps in time only to have prevented ourselves from becoming completely their dupes. It was to remove my unsuspicious child from their power, that your mother consented to leave London so much before the period proposed. Dr. Lovesworth has been the kind friend watching over your real interests; he it was who cautioned me, and sincerely told me I was wrong in admitting Sir Howard and his friend so much to the house. As to the former, he is under a singular species of infatuation, to render himself thus subservient to the plans of Melliphant. Happily, however, we have effected our escape from them, and are on the road to our peaceful dwelling. The season is advancing when Dr. Lovesworth will rejoin us, and we shall yet know some days of enjoyment, retired from the world, once again at rest, and at peace among ourselves. But of this I must warn you, Rosilia; though remote from London, your steps may be traced; be careful, therefore, how you trust yourself alone at any distance beyond the precincts of your home. The last words of Dr. Lovesworth, in parting from me yesterday evening, still sound upon my