Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/186

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"Wrapt in the thought of immortality,
Wrapt in the single, the triumphant thought."

Mrs. Arden during the fine season generally appropriated one day in the week for visiting town, which afforded Oriana a very convenient and desirable opportunity of seeing Philimore, and thus of faithfully fulfilling her promise, being regularly at each stated period set down at the corner of the street leading to his residence.

It was thus permitted Oriana to trace in its progress each gradual symptom of her lover's disease, until it assumed the last stage of decline. As the shades of night chase and obscure the light of day, she had seen his form passing away from the earth,—but as the renewed morn, as the sun in the glorious East, to rise again in a brighter and never-changing sphere;—the fair perspective serenely beaming on the mental vision of a soul impressed with virtue!

It was in one of these moments,—calm, yet solemn,—that Oriana paid her expected visit, and gave to Philimore the delight of seeing her, when his spirit, though composed, tranquil and resigned, free from this world's intrusive thoughts, yet beheld with