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to him for months of restless and impatient watchfulness.

Provided with materials to procure a light, the gleams of the lamp, spreading its pale rays over the gloomy and comfortless habitation of the dead, with the cold damp exhalations, served to recall to existence Melliphant's defenceless victim, when, it not being his design to make himself instantly known, he sprung upwards, carefully closing after him the tomb which inclosed his treasure.

Finding an unearthly stillness reign, not even a breath denoting a living creature near, Rosilia tore the bandage from her temples and attempted to rise, when what amazement, what horror filled her breast, upon casting her eyes around, to find she was a prisoner in a remote sepulchre, amid the ashes of the departed!

Her first object was to seek whether any means were afforded for her escape. She ascended to the door of the vault, and made use of all the force she was mistress of to remove the obstacles which shut from her the light of day: every effort proved in vain, and served but to exhaust the more her feeble powers. She called, she exerted to its utmost the strength of her voice, sending forth repeated and loud exclamations, which she hoped might reach the ear of some distant passer-by; nought, however, met her ear in reply, but the reverberation through the vault of each piercing shriek she uttered. Aware of