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spectable and good appearance, but there was an unmeaning simplicity in his air and look, indicating no great brightness of intellect.

"Though he appeared to me of all beings in the world the most unsuitable to Angelina, yet, from the familiarity existing between the young people, I suspected he was my rival. Surely, thought I, Angelina could never sacrifice herself to one so much her inferior, to one so little capable of appreciating her perfections, did she not consider wealth as an equivalent for other deficiencies. The bare idea that such might be the case did injury to the sentiments I entertained of her, and I resolved to suspend all further investigation until I had questioned her father.

"The conference in which his daughter had interrupted us I had often sought, but never could find a fit opportunity to renew. The dear man, I believe, perceiving the anxiety I laboured under, addressed me himself upon the interesting topic.

"'Captain De Brooke' said he, grasping my hand while he spoke, 'my acquaintance with you has been but short; nevertheless it has been sufficient to assure me of your worth; the high integrity, the nobleness and disinterestedness of your mind and character. You are attached to my child;