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gical points, she would not recall him, had she even the ability to do so.

"His death was truly a happy one! After having performed the last solemn office, that of giving his dying blessing to his beloved and then afflicted child—as also to myself, and the domestics assembled around his bed—he was supported in the arms of my wife. I was kneeling by his side, when he made an effort to raise himself: at the same moment his calm and gentle look became illumined by an expression almost rapturous. These were the last memorable words uttered by the expiring saint:—'My children,' said he, 'weep no more! my prospects are glorious: angels call me; I obey; they welcome me to immortality.' His languid head sunk back—your friend was gone for ever!

"After the space of about half an hour, my wife suffered herself to be led from the apartment; and I used every argument that the tenderest affection could dictate to soothe the dear orphan left to my protection. She has now no relation in the world, on her side, nearer than yourself; whom, from the circumstance of your quitting England before her birth, she has of course never seen.

"From my former descriptions, you may remember the strong interest with which her youthful loveliness had inspired me from the first hour I