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sations; no longer oppressed, his brow no longer clouded, imposing and brilliant he was himself again. The flow of spirits natural to youth upon such occasions, tended in some degree to suppress the painful diffidence which had at first prevailed over Rosilia; nevertheless the beauty, grace, the enchanting motion of her person as she glided down the dance, might not have so much excited the homage of her beholders, had not all her movements attested the charms of innocence, imaged by the wreath of lilies with which she had confined her dark and playful ringlets. Douglas could scarcely keep pace with her airy movements, notwithstanding he displayed that ease and grace for which the Scotch are so particularly famed. His person was commanding, his appearance dazzling, but to these advantages he united a sort of freedom such as the guileless Rosilia could neither understand nor admire. With such a man it was doubtless the external charms of Rosilia which had at first captivated his fancy; nevertheless it was a latent ray of virtue in him, too frequently slumbering, but never finally extinct, which had effectually riveted his chains, and Which so devoutly, caused him to seek for the fulfilment of his wishes by a speedy alliance.

The dance being over, the sisters were led by