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elegance! Her Ladyship, with friendly nods and encouraging smiles, sought to chase from Rosilia that wish to retire from the notice she elicited. Bearing away the palm, how willingly would she have yielded it to another, had not her Ladyship's agreeable condescension emboldened her, turning from the language of flattery, to join in the intellectual sentiment, the thought that flowed from cultivation and refinement.

It was thus that time passed at Fairfield Lodge, until Lady De Brooke expressed a desire for returning home; previous, however, to which, arrangements had been made by her for receiving the sisters under her roof, at some agreeable place of public amusement to which she intended resorting the ensuing summer.

Making many signals of adieu, when stepping into her carriage, she was driven from their sight. Alas! those sisters little thought, amidst the fair dreams of happiness they indulged in, they should never see her Ladyship more! No sooner was the cup of expectation raised a second time to their lips, than it was again to be dashed from them!

They returned to the villa of their parents shortly after the departure of her who had filled their young minds with gratitude in the pleasing recollection of her kindness towards them. The