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ally by the hand, gave him a warm and pressing invitation to his cottage, which having been with equal pleasure accepted, the Doctor offered to conduct his new, friends part of the road on their way home.

"Your cottage, Doctor," said the General, "bears, if possible, a more retired aspect than ours."

"It is upon a smaller plan," returned he, "which may contribute to give that appearance."

"And yet," added the General, "the hand of taste and culture has not been spared; you are doubtless fond of the country?"

"I am, indeed, truly fond of a country life, and particularly so of that little abode. Many circumstances have endeared it to me. It has been many years in my possession, and has witnessed some of the happiest moments of my life. I do not visit it as often as my inclinations would prompt me,—twice in the year I continue to rusticate in it a couple of months."

"It is then not your constant residence," said Rosilia, in tones of regret.

"We shall lose you for most part of the year," added Oriana.

"We cannot," replied he, with an affectionate smile, pleased at the interest he had already awa-