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worth suddenly pass the window, she ceased, and the next moment Philimore stood before her.

The acquiescence of her mind to the enchanting harmony she had breathed was still displayed upon her countenance; its usual animation had vanished, an expression of seraphic meekness prevailed, a sweet tranquillity hung on her brow, a gentle smile played upon her lip. The soft breezes from the open casement had partially disarranged her nut-brown ringlets, her flowing scarf fell in tasteful drapery around her slight and graceful person. Those snowy fingers that had produced such rapturous strains still pressed upon the tuneful wire. Her look, her attitude, seemed the effect of inspiration. Thus perfectly did she realize, to the outward vision of Philimore, the enchantress his imagination had pictured.

Oriana rose and left her seat, dissolving the magic that had seemed to rivet her beholder to the spot; nevertheless, his heart beat high,—-joy, delight, ecstasy, was diffused through every member. She who for the last two years had filled every thought and perception of which his being was capable, was again before him. So intensely was he moved, he could scarcely make due acknowledgments for the kind greetings he received, or