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preserving those animosities and feuds which occasioned so much division amongst them in former times."

Thus time fled, when the Doctor, with reluctance, rose to take his leave; Philimore followed, but not until he had glanced at Oriana a look in which his soul spoke, indicating a desire still to linger near her; whilst his ear caught the welcome invitation made by the General to renew his visits frequently.

"It will be my delight, my happiness," replied he with emphasis, "to accompany the Doctor in his usual walks to The Bower."

His heart fondly vibrated to what he uttered, and whispered, "To-morrow I shall see her again,—that sensible, animated, that accomplished girl! and perchance be indulged by her exquisite strains again!" The thought was exhilarating; the languor of convalescence departed, the bright hues of pleasure succeeded; and Dr. Lovesworth, unsuspicious of the cause, congratulated his young friend upon his very improved appearance.

The change also struck forcibly upon Rosilia, who remarked to her mother and sister, that when they had departed for Bath, on account of Oriana's indisposition, he was entirely lost and ab-