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a communication between the soul and its God would be the result!"

"What a privilege," exclaimed Philimore, "for a thinking being to meditate upon!"

"Most true," replied the Doctor, "it is a privilege within every one's reach, through that divine medium, to hold communion with our Maker, who, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, to effect his blessed intentions, has adapted the historical parts of the scriptures in a manner to render them agreeable and delightful to the mind; the prophetic parts are more obscure,—nevertheless, though indistinctly perceived by man, we have no less reason to suppose that they possess equally the virtue of drawing us near to the heavenly choir. While, with simple innocence and humble piety, we meditate upon them, in common with the whole contents of the inspired writings, angels become our attendant ministering friends, the sweet companions of our thoughts,—infuse into them the chastening ray of divine intelligence, which springs direct from the sun of Heaven,—the sun of suns, and resplendent orb of everlasting day."

The discourse was here interrupted, for, on returning homewards, they entered a few straggling huts and farm-houses that lay on the roadside; in all of which they were received with welcome,